Welcome to the homepage of Berliner Rohstoffhandel
All over the world, the need for finite raw materials like aluminum, copper and iron ore is growing. Due to that, the demand for recycled raw materials is on the increase. They are of equal quality to primary raw materials in the production of steel and cast iron.
The reintroduction of scrap into the production cycle doesn’t only reduce costs, steel and metal recycling is also active nature conservation.
We live in a world that needs to find ecologically intelligent answers to the questions of future generations. An efficient approach for using our scarce resources is of the essence both economically and ecologically.
Within the cycle, BRH is at the interface of old and new. We work with steel scrap, foundry scrap and the primary raw material iron ore as well as foundry coke.
As a supplier of the European steel and metal industry, we maintain direct contacts to foundries, steel plants and exporters. Through this approach, we can take care of the needs of our customers and subcontractors in a goal-oriented fashion. What is more, we offer numerous services pertaining to the raw material, among which are registration and analysis, transport, processing and marketing.