Steel scrap | Foundry scrap | Pig iron and Foundry coke
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Berliner Rohstoffhandel?
Foundry Scraps
When it comes to foundry scraps, the highest material homogeneity possible is required. Through a spectrum analysis, we can guarantee that the target values of our customers will be met. This way we can provide a homogeneous feedstock of the quality desired, optimally prepared and ready to use.
Maschinenguss 2a Maschinenguss 2b Handelsguss 3a Handelsgussbruch 3b Hackschrott Gussspäne Gusspänepresslinge Schienenkupol Grobblechkupol Trägerkupol Blech, neu Stanzabfälle TZ-Stanzabfälle TZ-Pakete SI-Hackschrott Rohrkupol